Sunday, January 24, 2021

Dream Shadow

I had such an amazing dream.  I was exploring a desert landscape which had these strange, black rubber tree trunks growing out of the soil.  (I can't find a photo to illustrate that; you'll have to use your imagination.)

The trees had no branches or flowers or leaves - just a bendable trunk about three feet high.  And they were very alive and powerful.  In the dream, it was tempting to grasp one of these trunks and bend it and release its power. Because it was raw power, it was easy to use it destructively.  I grasped a trunk and felt that horrible urge traveling through my being.  It was exciting and made my heart beat fast.

I let go of the trunk and came back to a platform on which a group of people were standing, off the desert floor.  The floor seemed to be made of the same kind of black rubber, but it was tamed and used beneficially.

As I stood there with the people, I remarked that now that the evil one had been removed from the landscape, we no longer had anyone to project our own shadow onto, and we must beware of giving into our own evil or the destructive side of our nature.

So, when I woke up, I thought, yes.  For several years now, we’ve had this convenient scapegoat (Trump), and now that he’s gone, we must take a look at ourselves and accept our true nature.  No one is completely bad or good.  Not him. Not us. And whatever we may have projected onto him, we need to own in ourselves.

So that's my meditation for today.

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