Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rationale Melting Into Synthesis: A War Story

The enviable will
To withstand
When faced with doubts

Tough inner fiber
Locked hands a stirrup
For that leap onto the dark steed

Where soldiers stand
In bamboo armor
Let them free

To have one clear clean
Of indefinity

Peace we know
War we know less well
Both are fraught with bravery

Ask for no answer
From siege or calumny
The soul bears scars only it can heal

Long after dangers cease
The battle rages
In the struggling breast

Having lost the power to weep
May we still retain
The trembling hand of comfort

For the aging warrior
Longing for death
To be reborn

Shall the mind be stripped
And memory washed out
Or wrapped in the honey of experience?


Brenda Clews said...

In the NYTimes review of the 2007 movie, 'Sunshine,' the reviewer wrote, 'the members of the crew died rapturous deaths, one by one'... and I had never before thought death could be "rapturous" and yet, and yet... why not? Your last line struck me as profound in the same way.

'Shall the mind be stripped
And memory washed out
Or wrapped in the honey of experience?'

Lines like that take the breath out of me, phenomenal. ***** xoxoxo

Stirling Davenport said...

Thank you, Brenda! You comment gave me chills. I am thrilled that you got it.