Friday, February 27, 2009


You were always a head taller than me
Your slim, strong form
Perched on that fiery horse
Who was only gentle for you

In your presence I was brave and bold
In your aura I knew my worth
My words came free and easy
My thoughts skipped and danced

Your laugh made everything right
In your chuckle a million fairies gathered
Children reappeared like destiny
Grown men listened

Together we could ride into the country
Leaping fences, streams and boulders
Nothing too daunting
With you beside me

Because of you I think clearly
Find the options never seen before
Walk with grace and
Keep my eyes focused

Because of you I hear
The voices in my heart
And pay attention.

This poem is dedicated to Rosa Fletcher, Stella Henderson, Annette Johnson, Margaret Ballew, Pose Crocker, Charlotte Silver, Miriam Robinson, Marie Stirling and Margaret Timmington.

1 comment:

Laura Tattoo said...

this is lovely and filled with love, stirling... tell me about the dedication sometime, if you wish, i'm curious... i looked up the title. where you inspired by enya or was this a story that percolated with you in some other context? xoxoxoox